Our program offers the following advantages:
- Flexibility – We are willing and able to go above and beyond for our clients, ultimately delivering a service that exceeds expectations. We are here to design a program that meets your needs—not to force you to fit into our existing service offerings.
- Outstanding customer service – Deer Oaks has an excellent reputation for delivering flexible, attentive customer service through our signature high-touch account management approach. Our clients are not just our customers but our partners and we are responsive and respectful at all times. We work in collaboration with our clients to tailor programming to the unique needs of each of their organizations.
- 24/7 live, immediate access to Work/Life Consultants and EAP professionals via toll-free phone, instant messaging and Smartphone App—no general customer service representatives.
- Genuine Program Integration – Deer Oaks offers a seamless, integrated EAP and Work/Life program without sacrificing expertise in any area of service. Members only have to call one number to access the program and we take care of the rest. There is no need for them to wonder which number to call or to be transferred from the EAP provider to the Work/Life provider. Whether an individual needs grief counseling or an elder care assessment, our team knows our products through‐and‐through and will provide the employee with the most holistic solution‐ all with one phone call.
- Nationwide network of more than 54,000+ affiliate providers credentialed to NCQA standards.
- Enhanced Work/Life Programming – We offer clients a richer, deeper, more comprehensive level of work/life programming. We not only assist members with the usual child or elder care search, but also with a wide range of daily living resources such as pet sitters, event planners, home repair, tutors, veterinarians and moving services. This enhanced program offering helps members through the challenging day‐to‐day issues that oftentimes hinder their workplace productivity.
- Coordination of Services – A close partnership with the EAP can be particularly effective in helping organizations control health care costs as we strive to strategically integrate EAP services with other health management initiatives. We seek to coordinate services whenever appropriate with other health and wellness vendors and provide wellness seminars, smoking cessation and weight management courses in support of workplace wellness initiatives and cross promote services.